
Our network is our strength — Innivec has hundreds of well-connected and vetted agents and recruiters who work tirelessly to promote and spread the word about each of our colleges. We also have a network of over 4,500 active affiliate agents spanning 36 countries.


Manager, Corporate Partnerships

Brand/College: Innivec
Department: Sales and Marketing
Location: Toronto Vancouver

At Innivec, excellence in higher education meets global ambition. As a premier network of career colleges and language schools in Canada, we’re dedicated to preparing students for success in their careers. But our vision doesn’t stop there. We’re not just shaping minds; we’re shaping the future of education technology. By actively fostering government relations on an international scale, we’re making a positive impact on global education standards. Moreover, we’re continually seeking out new external partnerships to drive our growth and amplify our impact. Join us in our journey to redefine education for a rapidly evolving world.

Job Summary

As the Senior Manager / Manager of Campus Partnerships, you will play a pivotal role in establishing and optimizing connections between our colleges and other prominent Canadian institutions. This dynamic position involves the strategic development of partnerships, revenue-generating strategies, and the cultivation of industry relationships with a specific emphasis on promoting skilling and reskilling initiatives.

Duties and Responsibilities

  1. Develop and Enhance Academic Pathways:
    • Collaborate closely with a diverse range of public and private institutions, focusing on Canadian entities, to establish, evolve, and optimize academic pathways.
    • Identify and evaluate collaboration opportunities and strategic partnerships aligned with the company’s overarching goals and program offerings.
    • Foster robust relationships with academic leaders and administrators, facilitating the seamless creation of transfer and credit recognition arrangements.
  2. Lead Joint Credentials Development:
    • Drive the development of joint credentials and innovative academic programs, collaborating with academic and program development teams.
    • Design high-quality, cutting-edge joint offerings that effectively cater to the requirements of both the institution and the company.
    • Ensure that all initiatives adhere to accreditation standards and regulatory mandates.
  3. Cultivate Partnerships:
    • Establish and nurture partnerships with public and private colleges and universities, expanding the company’s footprint within the realm of training programs.
    • Collaborate closely on the execution of these programs at partner campuses, ensuring a consistent curriculum, high-quality delivery, and educational excellence.
    • Identify opportunities to adapt and tailor offerings to cater to the unique and specific needs of each partnering institution.
  4. Lead Campus Integration Initiatives:
    • Spearhead initiatives to seamlessly integrate partnership programs into the daily campus life, ensuring a cohesive and enriching educational experience.
    • Collaborate with campus leadership to align partnership activities with the college’s mission, vision, and strategic objectives.
    • Develop strategies for engaging students and faculty in partnership programs, fostering a culture of collaboration and mutual benefit.
  5. Lead Negotiations and Agreements:
    • Spearhead negotiation efforts with institutional partners, skillfully crafting agreements that are mutually advantageous and comprehensively outline the terms of collaboration, revenue sharing, and program delivery.
    • Ensure that all agreements are meticulously defined, legally sound, and harmoniously aligned with the company’s strategic objectives.
  6. Champion Thought Leadership and Networking:
    • Represent the company at various academic conferences, industry events, and networking occasions, effectively showcasing the immense value of academic partnerships and joint credentials.
    • Contribute actively to the company’s thought leadership initiatives through dynamic presentations, insightful whitepapers, and pertinent publications.
  7. Promote Global Collaboration:
    • While maintaining a primary focus on Canadian institutions, remain receptive to exploring collaboration possibilities on a global scale.
    • Skillfully identify and assess potential partnerships with international institutions that seamlessly align with the overarching strategic direction of the company.
  8. Joint Student Activities:
    • Foster joint student activities and clubs across campuses, promoting interaction and collaboration among students from different institutions.
    • Organize events, seminars, and workshops that bring together students enrolled in collaborative programs, enhancing their sense of community.
  9. Quality Assurance and Accreditation:
    • Lead efforts to maintain and enhance the quality of joint academic programs, ensuring alignment with accreditation standards.
    • Work closely with accrediting bodies to navigate the accreditation process for collaborative initiatives, securing and maintaining necessary approvals.


Our network is our strength — Innivec has hundreds of well-connected and vetted agents and recruiters who work tirelessly to promote and spread the word about each of our colleges. We also have a network of over 4,500 active affiliate agents spanning 36 countries.

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